A powerful thunderstorm tore through the grounds of the Minnesota State Fair on Monday evening, August 26th, delaying Tuesday's opening until 0900 am in order to assess and clean up damage. But, neither the rain, lightning or a stormy morning dampened the spirit of Minnesota Navy League Council volunteers for the Minnesota State Fair Military Day at the Fair on August 27, 2024.

The Minnesota Council volunteers were able to connect with many fair-goers who were given information on how to join the Navy League and contribute to the restoration of the USS Minneapolis St. Paul (SSN 708) sail/rudder restoration and movement of the USS Ward Gun to the new Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum at Camp Ripley. Volunteers made excellent connections with veterans and active-duty service members who attended the event and were able to engage with Sea Cadets interested in the USNA.
The Council also recognized two of our adopted units, Harding High School NJROTC and Washington Technical Magnet School NJROTC with $500 checks that will fund events and drills for them throughout the school year. It is the young people who will make the difference in our future and recognizing them and the leadership at the schools is vital to us.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers including: CDR Chris Schmid, Glenn Wachter. Heidi Hubbard. Linda McConnell Brian Swiderski, Como Park MCJROTC, Brian Skon, Brad Gawboy, Joyce Lacey, Kris Kivel, Curt Schiebel and Twin Cities Squadron Sea Cadets.
This type of outreach activity is crucial to let Minnesotans know of the work that the Navy League does to support the Sea Services, to educate the public on the importance of the Navy to our nation's defense, and to inform about the Navy's rich history and traditions.