Minnesota Navy League Council SUPPORTS USCGC EDGAR CULBERTSON names for local Duluth hero

The Minnesota Navy League Council will officially support the USCGC EDGAR CULBERTSON, the 37th Fast Response Cutter (FRC) to the U.S. Coast Guard when the ship is commissioned in Houston on May
20, 2020.   The Culbertson is named after Coast Guard Hero Edgar Culbertson, who was a boatswain’s mate first class petty officer who perished in the line of duty while trying to rescue three teenage brothers during a fierce storm in Duluth, Minnesota in April, 1967. He was awarded the United States Coast Guard Medal for his bravery and heroism.  The 154-foot Sentinel-class Fast Response Cutter has a flank speed of 28 knots, state of the art command, control, communications and computer technology, and a stern launch system for the vessel’s 26-foot cutter boat. The FRC has been described as an operational “game changer,” by senior Coast Guard officials.