Navy Announces LCS 21 Command Leadership
The Navy recently identified the command leadership for the future USS Minneapolis Saint Paul (LCS-21).
Commander Alfonza White, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be the ships’ Commanding Officer. He enlisted in 1995 as a Submariner Electrician’s Mate (Nuclear) and completed the nuclear field pipeline in 1997. His commission is via the Officer Candidate School, graduating from Thomas Edison State University via University of Mississippi, with a Bachelor of Science Nuclear Electronic (BSNE) in November 2003. CDR White currently serves as the Damage Control Assistant aboard USS AMERICA.
Lieutenant Commander Gregory McLean is the ships’ Executive Officer. LCDR McLean was born in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree (with Honors) in Information Science from Florida State University with minors in Math, Physics, Naval Science, Classics, and Psychology.
Finalizing the ships’ command leadership is Command Master Chief Petty Officer Rafael Acevedo. CMDCS (SW/AW) Rafael Acevedo is a native of New York. In March 2019, Senior Chief Acevedo was selected for the Command Senior Chief Program and received follow on orders to Littoral Combat Ship Squadron TWO, Mayport, Florida. Senior Chief Acevedo is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy Class 209.
We look forward to working with the ships’ command leadership as we progress towards commissioning.