Welcome to the home of the Minnesota Navy League COUNCIL

The Minnesota Navy League Council is a Council of the Navy League of the United States.  The Minnesota Navy League Council is a nonprofit civilian organization that supports the U.S. Navy and the Coast Guard. Through national and local programs, the Navy League of the United States provides a powerful voice to educate the public and Congress on the importance of our Sea Services to our nation’s defense.

The Navy League of the United States Minnesota Council hosted a joint U.S. Navy’s/Marine Corps Birthday Ball. The ball will be held at the Mystic Lake Casino and Conference Center in Prior Lake, MN on October 15, 2022.

Naval Commands supporting this event are the Naval Reserve Center (NRC), University of Minnesota Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and Naval Talent Acquisition Group – Northern Plains (NTAG).

Marine Corps Commands supporting this event are the Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 471, and Marine Corps Recruiting.

The Navy League of the United States is the host sponsor of the event. You can find pictures of the event at: Navy Ball — Navy League of Minnesota (navyleaguemn.org)

and a video at: https://youtu.be/CrwVRzTdFSM


Minnesota Council Elects New Council Board

On September 28, 2022 at the Bear Cave Brewing Company in Hopkins the Minnesota Council elected 2023 Board positions.

 Please join me and welcoming your new board.

 President – Cmdr. (Ret) Joe Fraser

First VP/Secretary – Lt.Cmdr. (Ret) Brandon Montanye

VP Communications – Pat Dolan

VP Membership – Cmdr. (SC-Ret) Bob Dolan

VP & Treasurer – Capt (Ret) Mark Stange

VP Adopted Ships, Active/Reserve Units – Brian Skon

VP Council Programs/Event Planning – Jeanette Sterner

VP Community Engagement – Joyce Lacey

VP Legislative Affairs/Partnerships – Bill James

            Director, Business Development – Brian Skon

VP Youth Programs – Keith Larson

            Director STEM Programs - Mark Salmen

JAG – Cmdr. (Ret) James Schroebel


The Council will focus on our efforts in four strategic areas:  1.  Enhancing the Morale of Sea Service Personnel; 2. Providing a Powerful voice to Educate the public; 3.  Supporting Youth Programs and; 4.  Membership/ Communication/History.  Each of the new Vice Presidents will be responsible for developing an annual plan and budget to support their focus area. 

The commissioning occurred on May 21, 2022, in the Port of Duluth.